Thursday, 22 September 2016

Do you know you Can Have BV and Never Even Know?

Roughly half of all women who have Bacterial Vaginosis don’t have any symptoms, so you can have an infection without realising it. The main symptom of Bacterial Vaginosis is typically a strange odor and discharge from the vagina. Since women have been socialised to be self-conscious about their typical odor and discharge (remember, regular discharge is completely normal), what you want to look for is a sudden change in what you’re used to. Some women note that their discharge takes on a “fishy” odor, or darkens in colour. These symptoms tend to be more noticeable after penetrative intercourse.

What You Should Do if You’re Worried You Have BV

If you have symptoms or a nagging feeling that something is amiss, a trip to the OB/GYN is in order. Your doctor will perform an exam, and take a sample of your discharge. They will examine the sample under a microscope for evidence of Bacterial Vaginosis, and to rule out a yeast infection or an STI. They will check your vaginal pH level. Your doctor may also perform the embarrassingly-named “whiff test.” This test involves placing a drop of potassium hydroxide on your sample, and checking for a “fishy” smell.

You’ll most likely be given a prescription for oral antibiotics or an antibiotic suppository, gel, or cream. Ironically, antibiotics may have been the reason why you contracted Bacterial Vaginosis in the first place. Continuing the irony, your antibiotic treatment can cause you to develop a yeast infection. Oh the joys of modern medicine! Make sure to take yogurt or probiotics while you’re taking your antibiotics, to pump more good bacteria into your body. You can also ask your doc for a “just in case” prescription for Diflucan, if you’re susceptible to yeast infections. Most women will experience a recurrence of BV, so keep checking yourself for symptoms for the next few months.

While Bacterial Vaginosis can be pretty harmless in most cases, it can cause complications if left untreated. Don’t put off a trip to the doctor. In very rare cases, BV has been correlated with miscarriages and early deliveries in pregnant women, and having BV can also make you more susceptible to contracting sexually transmitted infections. The odds are highly likely that your run-in with Bacterial Vaginosis won’t cause any issues, but it’s better to be on the safe side.

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